Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009

my newest poem


“Love” is a word

A word with 4 letters

2 vowels and 2 consonants

But inside, it stores limitless possibilities.

It may show fear and sadness

It can show happiness and satisfaction

It can bring desperation and frustration

It can bring peace and salvation

Love makes you smile

Even when you’re in your darkest times

Love makes you get hope back

When all seems to fail

Love makes you cry

When the heart you give gets rejected

Love makes you desperate

When all you do seems so useless

Failure is not a rare show

Pain and frustration is something normal

Depression and sadness is undeniable

Rejection is a part of everyday life

To fall…

Another part of life cycle in love

To rise from the ashes…

Another show of bravery and dedication

And when time comes,

No matter how or when

Love will come to each and everyone

Brightening the days

Opening the eyes of everyone

To bring joy and pleasure

In one way or another

Everyone will be happy

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